I made plans to hangout with my friend, Alec, again today. This time I asked if he can meet me in Seattle, so we can have another photo adventure and since he has never really got to sight-see in Downtown, I thought I should show him around a bit!
First, we stopped by Crepes de France to fill our stomach a bit.
Nutella crepes. The best.
After, we went down to the gum wall alley, and saw this on the way.
Massive Monkees Day posters everywhere on the wall, so I had to take a photo and show my support.
Excited to go to Massive Monkees Day this Saturday for the first time!
(Be on the lookout for a whole blog post for Saturday's event!)
After taking my outfit photos, we went inside Seattle's Antique Market.
(Yes, this is me.)
Does this photo look familiar to any of you K-pop lovers? Hahaha.
I was trying to copy Jay Park's "JOAH" single cover, but my god... it was so hard to get a shot with no people walking in it. Instead of looking cool, I ended up looking like a lost child haha.
If you guys haven't heard the song yet, you should take a listen! I don't listen to much K-pop, but I actually like this song. Its definitely one of those feel good songs, and its catchy.
Extra instagram photos:
I hope you guys like my post!
I'm still trying to get a hang of this blogging thing, so bare with me >_<
Photos taken by Alec Long
Edited by me